The International Trade and Regional Integration Program objective is to provide support to IICA´s member countries to improve their access to international markets, deepen their regional integration and increase their contribution to agrifood system transformation. To this end, it will focus on two strategic lines of action: improving market access and implementing trade policies to promote openness, transparency, and the free flow of international trade, while preventing or reducing trade barriers and identifying and capitalizing on opportunities afforded by trade agreements and integration processes.
Main contributions:
- To improve market access and implementing trade policies, the Program implements actions to: strengthen multilateral governance; support the effective participation of countries in international fora; improve regulatory frameworks governing international and regional trade; and increase the capacity of key stakeholders to administer trade agreements and to promote regulatory convergence and trade facilitation.
- To identify and capitalize trade opportunities the Program supports member countries to: develop differentiated strategies for specific markets, value chains or products, to strengthen the export capacities of companies and producer organizations, to facilitate trade, through the use of new technologies, such as virtual business roundtables, e- commerce platforms, trade fairs and face-to-face trade missions; and promote value chain linkages at the regional and global levels.