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Bioeconomy and Production Development

The Bioeconomy and Production Development Program has as objective to assist countries in designing specific strategies, policies, investments and regulations that allow for taking full advantage of the potential of the bioeconomy, within a framework of inclusion and sustainability (IICA 2018). To achieve this, it works in 4 strategic areas:

a) Contribute to disseminating the concept of bioeconomy, generating evidence and fostering a better understanding of the bioeconomy’s potential for development;

b) Contribute to identifying the challenges, potentialities and courses of action to better capitalize on the bioeconomy (based on the unique conditions of each territory or country);

c) Contribute to developing and/or strengthening the policy and regulatory frameworks for capitalizing on the bioeconomy;

d) Support the design and implementation of investments and specific policy instruments to develop and/or consolidate bioeconomy production chains.