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Intranet Institucional

Gender Equality and Youth

The objective of the Gender Equity and Youth Program is to strengthen gender mainstreaming and support for women and rural youth in order to achieve substantive equality in the Americas.

Program Main contributions:

  • To strengthen the region's institutional capacities with a gender perspective and support for young people, promoting regional networks that bring them together and give them a leading role in strengthening and transforming agrifood systems.
  • To support the development of a new generation of public policies and programs to position the region and strengthen its linkages with global agendas to address the effects of Covid-19 and reduce structural gaps.
  • To strengthen the gender perspective in the Institute and the role of women in agriculture and rural life in the Americas, relying on innovative capabilities to meet the demands of the Member States.
  • To promote youth leadership initiatives in agriculture in the Americas that involve young people in the definition of the new generation of public policies as well as in the decisions that contribute to the transformation of agrifood systems.