The Hemispheric Program of Territorial Development and Family Farming is based on the recognition of the importance that rural areas have for the development of Latin American and Caribbean countries, and the determining weight of family farming in that rural environment, as it is estimated that in the continent there are about 16.5 million farms (80% of the total) of family farmers, which involve 60 million people, and generate between 57% and 77% of agricultural employment.
Within this framework, the Program aims to contribute to the development and sustainability of rural territories, by harnessing the potential of family farming as a driver of rural development, for its contributions to the rural economy and economy, food security, biodiversity conservation, and culture, among others.
Consistent with the cooperation model promoted by the Institute, the Program will operate as a knowledge manager for technical cooperation, as a means to support and strengthen countries' capacities to face the challenge of inclusive growth in rural territories and agriculture family. This will require the Program to focus efforts on the identification and generation of knowledge through alliances and integrated actions with knowledge-generating instances, and in turn, its application and dissemination, under an integrated work between technical teams of the Institute in alliance with related institutions, professional networks, as well as civil society organizations and the private sector.